Why This Deck Was Created

So You Never Have To Journey Alone Again!

Journey Into The Underworld — created by Alexandria Moran — was born out of her own deep quest to understand herself and heal from her childhood traumas.

Like many Lightworkers, she is on a mission to help herself and others find inner truth, understand the shadows, and integrate miracles into the everyday. So it was only natural that she choose a difficult upbringing to initiate her into the Underworld.

From an early age, Alex experienced harsh childhood traumas — emotional & physical abuse, sexual boundary violations, neglect, domestic violence, the toxic divorce of her parents and the devastating suicide of her Borderline Personality Disordered mother. These tragic events, as painful as they were, forced her deep into a healing quest that ultimately lead to journeying into the Underworld over and over again.

Growing up in a predominantly born-again Christian environment, she had to first face all the fear and shame that religion often puts on inner Underworld journeying. As she began to travel deep into her subconscious, she found herself quite alone — a lone wolf. There was no one to guide, or disciple, or share a roadmap through the darkness. She had to learn it on her own. And even more, she had to choose to ignore the naysayer voices all around her.

As with anything done alone for the first time, she fumbled. A lot.

Going deep into the subconscious can be dangerous territory if you don’t know where you are going or how to return home. She often got lost in her own darkness, struggling with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, over-working and other emotional coping mechanisms.

But through her own tenacity and the drive from her soul’s mission, she pulled herself out of the darkness, back into the Light time and time again. And each time, she found herself more and more full of her own truth, sense of clarity, and confidence.

She had to do it alone. But you don’t have to.

This deck and guidebook were created so can be fully supported in your journey to heal yourself and find your purpose. This deck IS YOUR GUIDE… YOUR ROADMAP… YOUR BREADCRUMBS to go into the darkness and have a strong tether to pull on when you return stronger, more empowered, more aware, and more full of your TRUE VIBRATION.

It is a culmination of Alex’s lessons learned through 25 years of journeying into her Shadow as well as 18 years of deep spiritual expansion in the healing arts (Alex has studied and mastered clairvoyant development, cranial sacral healing, Reiki, and other healing modalities).

Journey Into The Underworld is her life’s work and YOUR powerful companion through the transformation process of doing Shadow Work.

Are you ready to change your life and your soul?